Women's Encounter with the Holy Spirit

May 7th, 2022


"As I have walked with the Holy Spirit, I have discovered that He is a gentleman. He will never impose His will on us... If we refuse to engage with Him, He will be silent. He will not engage us unless we first position ourselves to hear His voice...Remember, James said God draws near to us when we draw near to Him. We are responsible for taking the first step. We have to intentionally enter into this awesome communion with Him. Put simply, the greatest invitation of all time has been extended to us. Now it is up to us to take action. If we want to be close to God, we must seek to know Him - and this means we pursue friendship with the Person of His Spirit. He has promised to never leave or forsake us. But if we don't engage Him, He will generally remain silent, and we will never enjoy the full expression of His presence in our lives or the benefits of communion with Him." ~ John Bevere


Maybe you have heard the Name of the Holy Spirit in church, in books or in Scripture countless times, but how well do you really
know who the Holy Spirit is? And have you been limiting His power in your life by a misconception of who He is? A very important part of realizing who the Holy Spirit is, is finding out who He is not. Contrary to what many seem to think, He is not some holy entitiy or divine mystical power or force. He is not a dove or a fire. He is God, infinite in majesty. He is a divine person full of glory, wisdom and knowledge! Another thing - the Holy Spirit is not distant. He is available to you and me, sent to us as a companion, a teacher and a friend. When you open your heart to Him, then you will experience the most fulfilling relationship with God!

"But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things.
And He will cause you to
recall everything I have told you." John 14:26

  • 00:00 Opening Comments - Muriel Ludeman
  • 01:09 Invocation Song and Prayer - Ariel Powell
  • 02:50 Main Speaker Comments - Katie Fetzer
  • 23:42 Prayer - Katie Fetzer
  • 26:18 Song and Comments - Maria Burks
  • 48:59 Summary Comments - Katie Fetzer
  • 87:10 Closing Comments - Muriel Ludeman
  • 94:32 Follow-up Comments - Katie Fetzer
  • 97:50 Benediction Comments and Prayer - Ariel Powell